It is possible to turn life into bliss and enjoy every action. Try a tantra massage in our New York salon. Our masseuses will gladly perform the procedure and adjust your mental and physical condition.

Tantra massage is a technique that not only has a healing effect but also has an effect on the energy level.


Benefits of tantra massage

There are elements of eroticism in the unusual massage technique. When certain movements are constantly performed, love relations become stronger, a masseuse and her client are completely free of discomfort, remaining alone with each other.

In addition to the contact between male and female energy, the tantra massage in Brooklyn has the following effects on the body:

  • Complete relaxation of each cell of your body;
  • Tension in the muscles is eliminated;
  • Relieves nervous tension, depressed mood.

After having a session of this unusual therapeutic technique, it will be clear what tantra massage in New York City is a recovery and rejuvenation of the body.

The atmosphere of tantra massage

Music for a tantra massage in NY is important. The melody, which the masseuse includes during the procedure, has a relaxing effect. A specialist can choose Indian melodies, which are perfect for an erotic massage. Regardless of the chosen composition, the music for the tantra massage is quiet, unassuming, makes the atmosphere more intimate, and helps to achieve a trusting relationship between the patient and the professional.

The lighting in the room should not be too bright. The masseuse hangs the curtains and switches on the lights with dimmed light. Instead of lighting, she can light up scented candles and adds scented oils to make her movements softer.

During the session, the masseuse and the client should not be distracted by street sounds or other people. Therefore, the room is completely soundproofed, and before the tantra massage procedure in NY, phones and other devices that may be distracting during a pleasant session are turned off.

Tantra massage technique

Tantra massage has its own peculiarities while performed. During a session of an erotic massage in Manhattan, the masseuse works on the man's erogenous zone. Such influence will have not only intimate orientation but also therapeutic effect.

To perform a tantra massage for a man, our masseuses use the following technique:

  • A man should get into a position where he can fully relax and he will be comfortable.
  • The main movements that the masseuse uses during a tantra massage are gentle strokes and gentle rubbing touches. During the procedure, the specialist does not use pressure and force movements.
  • With gentle stroking movements, the masseuse starts to massage the back, from the neck to the lower back, and in the opposite direction.
  • The masseuse proceeds to massage the buttocks, legs and lower back. While treating the legs, the specialist works on each finger.
  • After the back treatment, the masseuse begins to work on the sacrum area, where the most sensitive points are located.

If you have decided to improve your mind and body, then our massage salon is the right choice! Book an erotic massage in New York City and get completely satisfied!